The Tm Technique By Peter Russell Pdf Creator

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The History of Transcendental Meditation (TM) and the Transcendental Meditation movement originated with, founder of the organization, and continues beyond his death (2008). In 1955, the Maharishi began publicly teaching a traditional meditation technique learned from his master, which he called Transcendental Deep Meditation, and later renamed. The Maharishi initiated thousands of people, then developed a TM teacher training program as a way to accelerate the rate of bringing the technique to more people. He also inaugurated a series of world tours which promoted Transcendental Meditation. These factors, coupled with endorsements by celebrities who practiced TM, along with scientific research that validated the technique, helped to popularize TM in the 1960s and 1970s. By the late 2000s, TM had been taught to millions of individuals and the Maharishi was overseeing a large multinational movement. Despite organizational changes and the addition of advanced meditative techniques in the 1970s the Transcendental Meditation technique has remained relatively unchanged.

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Among the first organizations to promote TM were the Spiritual Regeneration Movement and the International Meditation Society. In present times, the movement has grown to encompass schools and universities that teach the practice, and includes many associated programs offering health and well-being based on the Maharishi's interpretation of the Vedic traditions.

In the U.S., major organizations included Students International Meditation Society, AFSCI, World Plan Executive Council, Maharishi Vedic Education Development Corporation, and. The successor to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and head of the Global Country of World Peace, is. Contents. 1950s In 1955, Brahmachari Mahesh left Uttarkashi and began publicly teaching what he stated was a traditional meditation technique learned from his master Brahmananda Saraswati, which he called Transcendental Deep Meditation. Later the technique was renamed Transcendental Meditation. In 1958, Brahmachari Mahesh, now called Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, began a number of worldwide tours promoting and disseminating Transcendental Meditation. The first tour began in Rangoon, Burma (now ).

The Maharishi remained in the Far East for about six months teaching his meditation. In 1959, the Maharishi taught the Transcendental Meditation technique in, San Francisco, Los Angeles, London and Germany. He founded the Spiritual Regeneration Movement in Los Angeles, in 1959 and established an office there, which was the only place where TM was taught in the USA between 1959 and 1965. 1960s In 1960, the Maharishi founded the International Meditation Society (IMS) and trained his first TM teacher, Henry Nyburg of England. During the tour Maharishi made Henry Nyburg his personal representative in Europe and gave him the training and authority to teach Transcendental Meditation, thus making him the first European teacher.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi The Maharishi lectured at Caxton Hall in London and the talk was attended. In the 1950s, he first TM teacher in the U.S. Was a who was joined by a male instructor in 1966. The first international Teacher Training Course (TTC) was held near, India, in 1961, to train teachers of Transcendental Meditation.

Over 60 meditators from, the, and the attended the course. Teachers continued to be trained as time progressed and by 1978, there were 7,000 TM teachers in the U.S alone. The Maharishi appeared on television and gave a lecture to 5,000 people at the in London in 1974. According to a history written by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 21 members of the issued a public statement endorsing TM in 1963.

According to the Maharishi, news articles on the technique appeared in Canadian newspapers such as the Daily Colonist, and The Albertan. The Students International Meditation Society (SIMS) began in Germany in 1964, was incorporated in the USA in 1965 and continues to function in some countries. Another organization, the American Foundation for the Science of Creative Intelligence (AFSC) taught TM to business people at Co., and. In 1967, the TM movement 'really took off' when the Maharishi became the 'spiritual advisor to The Beatles'. In 1968, the Maharishi announced that he would stop his 'public activities' and instead begin the training of TM teachers at his new global headquarters in, Switzerland. 1970s In 1970, the Maharishi held a TM teacher training course at a Victorian hotel located in with 1,200 participants.

Later that year, he held a similar four-week course at in. About 1,500 people attended and the course was described as a 'sort of a crash program to train transcendental teachers'. Following tax troubles in India, the Maharishi moved his headquarters to Italy and then to Austria. Maharishi University in In 1970, the first scientific study on the Transcendental Meditation technique was published in the journal Science. In the early 1970s, courses on the, Maharishi's unified theory of life, were offered at universities such as Stanford University, Yale, the University of Colorado, the University of Wisconsin, and Oregon State University. In 1972 in, Spain, the Maharishi announced his World Plan to establish one Transcendental Meditation teaching center for each million of the world's population. Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, the TM movement began to shed its identity as part of the hippie counterculture, making incursions into the US American cultural mainstream.

From the mid-1970s, the Maharishi began to target business professionals, adapting his message to promise 'increased creativity and flexibility, increased productivity, improved job satisfaction, improved relations with supervisors and co-workers'. His TM movement came to be increasingly structured along the lines of a multinational corporation. The was founded in 1974 in Goleta California.

In 1975, Maharishi European University was found in Lake Lucerne Switzerland. That year TM practitioner invited the Maharishi to appear on his talk show, thereby aiding Transcendental Meditation in becoming a 'full blown craze' during that era (according to Time Magazine) and in eventually becoming a global phenomenon with centers in some 130 countries. In 1975 Transcendental Meditation received favorable testimony in the and was advocated by Major-General Franklin M.

Of the US Army. Maharishi appeared on the Merv Griffin Show again in 1977. In 1975, the Maharishi began teaching advanced mental techniques, called the, which included a technique for the development of what he termed. The program was said to create the, based on studies which reported that in US cities where 1 percent of the population meditated, the crime rate dropped.

As early as 1968, the Maharishi stated that 30 minutes of TM morning and evening by 1 percent of the population would 'dispel the clouds of war for thousands of years.' In 1976 the headquarters of the US movement moved to the former Santa Ynez Inn, a block from the ocean in and published a seven-hundred-page compilation of, generated by 51 institutions from 13 countries. A conducted in August 1976 said that four percent (4 percent) of those Americans questioned had engaged in TM. This was despite the fact that, according to movement records, only.5 percent of Americans had been initiated.

The average number of people learning TM fell from a peak of approximately 40,000 a month in 1975 to approximately 3,000 in November 1977. wrote that, as of 1977, 'Most of the million who had been initiated either ceased meditating or did so informally and irregularly without continuing connections to the TM Movement.' The Maharishi Foundation in the UK purchased the historic in 1978 for ₤240,000 for use as a headquarters and college. The stately home, on 81 acres, was built in 1855 and had 60 bedrooms. A spokesman said that repairs could be done cheaply by students in exchange for meditation classes.

It was the headquarters of the and campus of Maharishi University of Natural Law. By 1997, the movement was seeking a larger facility and placed the home on the market for ₤10 million. It sold two years later for ₤3 million. During this period the Maharishi's personal residence and international headquarters were located in, Switzerland, in a former hotel on the shore of.

In 1979, the affirmed the 1977 decision of the of New Jersey stating that a course in Transcendental Meditation and the Science of Creative Intelligence (SCI) was religious activity within the meaning of the and that the teaching of SCI/TM in the New Jersey public high schools was prohibited by the. At that time, according to Humes, the movement directed itself inward, offering additional products and practices to its committed practitioners beyond Transcendental Meditation in order to help them achieve Cosmic Consciousness. According to Bainbridge, the most dedicated movement members were TM teachers whose financial and social status depended on a flow of new students. After the number of new initiations collapsed those teachers lost the promise of success and the movement increasingly emphasized unusual supernatural compensators. During this period, the movement began making increasing claims about the powers of TM and the TM-Sidhi program, including the reduction of crime by the practice of '. According to, an early teacher of TM and a TM-Sidhi practitioner, Charlie Lutes, former President of the, saw the introduction of the TM-Sidhi program as a financial ploy to increase income in the wake of declining public interest in TM. In England, he bought in Buckinghamshire, Roydon Hall in, Swythamley Park in the and a Georgian rectory in, and his income was reported at six million per year in 2008.

1980s In 1984, about 1,200 members of the movement moved into at the invitation of, the President of the. They named him the president and founding father of the Unified Field Based Civilization.

Marcos praised Maharishi's plan to use the Philippines as the base for 'this new kingdom of enlightenment' and, in a public ceremony, rang the 'Maharishi bell'. Was given the 'crown of consciousness of the royal order of the age of enlightenment'.

The members rented an entire floor of Manila's finest hotel, along with hundreds of rooms in other hotels. They bought a large but financially troubled university, the, for $1 million, leading to a boycott by students and attacks on the Maharishi as an imperialist. A government cabinet member reported that the movement members had deposited millions of dollars in Philippine bank accounts and were negotiating to buy several more colleges and universities in the area, plus hotels and other buildings.

Posters promoting the benefits of Transcendental Meditation were posted across the city and the members spread out across the city to promote the technique, leading to a response from Catholic Cardinal. The movement took responsibility for the lack of violence at a large anti-government rally protesting the assassination of, but not for violent attacks by the military on rioters, two typhoons, or an eruption of, which also occurred during their stay. The University of the East was purchased back by its stakeholders, and the movement characterized the entire transaction as a $250,000 loan.

In the 1980's the TM movement's US national offices and the Maharishi International University College of Natural Law were located in five blocks from the. From 1981 to 1987 this was also the location for the organization's 'administrative headquarters' for North America as well as a national organization of 6,000 American medical doctors who practiced TM, a private school, a clinic, and a TM meditation center. In 1991, The Washington Post reported that the Maharishi, referring to Washington DC, had advised TM practitioners: 'save yourself from the criminal atmosphere'. As a result, 20 to 40 TM practitioners put their homes up for sale in an effort to move away from the city. According to the Sunday Times, the movement continued to expand during this period despite accusations of fraud by former practitioners and claims that extraordinary powers could be gained through TM and its advance programs. TM teachers begun teaching meditation in Romania in 1982, Poland in 1985 and in Yugoslavia in 1987.

1990s In 1990, a delegation of Transcendental Meditation teachers from Maharishi International University traveled to the former to provide instruction in Transcendental Meditation. The trip, initially scheduled to last ten days, was extended to six months and resulted in the training of 35,000 people in the technique.

In 1990, the Maharishi moved his headquarters to, a wooded area outside of, near the German border. The 65-acre (260,000 m 2) grounds of a former monastery became the capital of his (GCWP). The late dictator of, tried to purge all practitioners of transcendental meditation from the government. In 1993, the (MVED), a non-profit corporation, was formed to oversee the teaching of Transcendental Meditation and related courses in the United States. The terms 'Transcendental Meditation' and 'TM' are service marks owned by Maharishi Foundation Ltd., a UK non-profit organization and licensed to the MVED. In 1993 Maharishi Vedic University awarded an honorary doctorate degree to then newly reelected President Joaquim Chissano. In his acceptance speech, Chissano said he credited TM as being the source of all positive changes in his country.

He said the results of inviting the Maharishi to in 1992 were balance and peace. Maharishi called Chissano 'a guiding light for all heads of state'. In 1995, the Maharishi changed the name of Maharishi International University in to.

Maharishi Centre for Educational Excellence, Bhopal, India. The Maharishi Vidya Mandir Schools (MVMS), an educational system established in 16 states and affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), was founded the same year. Maharishi Vidya Mandir Schools has 148 branches in 118 cities with 90,000 to 100,000 students and 5,500 teaching and support staff. By 1998, the global TM organization had an estimated four million disciples, 1,000 teaching centers and property assets valued at $3.5 billion. Meditation chambers at the former Academy of Meditation in, now owned by the Indian Government.

In 2004, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi directed Transcendental Meditation practitioners at the Maharishi village at, in England to beam peace-loving thoughts to the British electorate with the aim of overturning the. The Maharishi said: 'The good effects of transcendental meditation — increased creativity and long life — should not be given to a dangerous country that is constantly busy destroying the world.' After 's won, the Maharishi withdrew all instruction in Transcendental Meditation in the UK.

The ban was lifted about the same time that Tony Blair left office as. In 2006, newspaper reported that according to the TM movement 6 million people had learned the technique worldwide. In 2007 and 2008, the government of announced a crackdown on illegal religious groups operating in the country, including the 'Maharishi cult'. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi died on 5 February 2008 and the leadership of the global Transcendental Meditation movement passed to, who is also head of the Global Country of World Peace. In July 2008, Brahmachari Girish Varma, a nephew of the Maharishi, announced the formation of the Maharishi World Peace Movement in to accomplish the Maharishi's plan for India and to achieve world peace.

Varma serves as chairman. The movement's principles include practicing the Maharishi's Vedic Health Rituals, daily practice of yoga, and the construction of -style homes.

Varma also announced the creation of a media news source and portal. Reported in 2011 that according to the 'national Transcendental Meditation program' enrollment had tripled over the last prior three years. The organization attributes the increased enrollment to reduced course fees and recent research studies. Reported in 2011 that 'nearly 10 million practitioners in 50 countries' had learned the technique. Characterizations Public presentation Sociologist wrote about the three stages of the development of TM through 1977, as identified by Eric Woodrum. The 'Spiritual-Mystical Period', from 1959 to 1965, identified Transcendental Meditation as the primary component of a holistic approach to spiritual evolution. The 'Voguish, Self-Sufficiency Period', from 1966 to 1969, saw a rapid expansion through identification with 'aspects of the counter-culture' as the organization simultaneously adapted to its changing image.

Peter Russell Maine

The 'Secularized, Popular Religious Phase', from 1970 through 1977, when the movement identified the 'practical physiological, material and social benefits' of TM to mainstream people with virtually no references to non-worldly topics. Wallis writes that according to a former follower, TM had dropped its 'distinctly religious rhetoric' over time 'except for an inner core of followers' until the late 1970's when TM developed the TM-Sidhi program to develop 'occult powers'. According to sociology of religion scholar, Lorne L. Dawason, the change from religious terms in the 1950s to an emphasis on scientific verification in the 1970s was to improve public relations and bring the TM technique into American public schools. In Gurus in America, Cynthia Humes characterizes the TM movement as meandering from 'plastic export Hinduism' to a non-devotional meditation method marketed as a 'scientific technique' and then back to a 'multinational, capitalist, Vedantic Export Religion', zig-zagging back and forth, depending on the receptivity of the target audience. Origins Author Peter Russell states that the Maharishi believed the knowledge of the Vedas had been lost and found many times and its recurrence is outlined in the Bhagavad-Gita and the teachings of Buddha and Shankara.

Bromley writes that 'TM incorporates the teachings of Krishna, the Buddha, and Shankara' and that the Maharishi says he has 'rediscovered a lost form of meditation that traces back to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Alternative medicine author Vimal Patel writes that the Maharishi derived TM from Patanjali's Yoga. Chryssides writes that the Maharishi and his teacher, were from the tradition of and that the TM-Sidhi program is 'based on 's Yoga Sutras'. According to religious scholar and evangelist Kenneth Boa's book, Cults, World Religions and the Occult, the view that the Transcendental Meditation technique is rooted in the ' ' is 'repeatedly confirmed' by the Maharishi's writings including Science of Being and the Art of Living and his Commentary on the Bhagavad Gita. Boa writes that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 'makes it clear' that Transcendental Meditation was delivered to man about 5,000 years ago by the Hindu god, then repeatedly lost and restored by, and. Religious studies author Carl Olson writes that the Maharishi himself 'discovered' Transcendental Meditation. According to religious scholar Cynthia Humes, Maharishi said TM 'was his own guru's meditation practice' and that he was preserving teachings 'enlivened by his master Brahmananda Saraswati' (Guru Dev).

Another scholar says that the TM technique was derived from an old Hindu technique. Author Patricia Drake writes that 'when Guru Dev was about to die he charged Maharishi with teaching laymen, including the Western World, a simple means to meditate'. Author John White says 'Guru Dev taught Maharishi both the technique and the philosophy that have resulted in the current phenomenon called transcendental meditation'. sic References. ^ AP (February 5, 2008).

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^ Russell, p 26. ^ Olson, Helena; Olson, Roland. His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi: A Living Saint for the New Millennium: Stories of His First Visit to the USA. Samhita Productions. ^ The Times London, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Feb 7 2008, pg 62. ^ Oates, Robert M.


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134 'Maharishi believes that since the time of the Vedas this knowledge has been lost and found many times. As far as India is concerned it has recurred principally in the Bhagavad Gita, the teachings of Bhudda and those of Shankara.' . Bromley, David G.; Cowan, Douglas E.

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^ Boa, Kenneth (1990). Wheaton, Ill.: Victor Books. Olson, Carl (2007) Rutgers University Press, The Many Colors of Hinduism, page 338.

Humes, Cynthia (2005) State University of New York Press, Gurus In America, page 57. Lewis, James (2001) Prometheus Books, Odd Gods, 99 230-233. Drake, Patricia Hemingway (1975) David Mckay Company, The Transcendental Meditation Primer, page XVII. White, John (1976) Pocket Books, Everything YOU Wanted to Know about TM, page 13.

The Transcendental Meditation technique is a specific form of silent developed. It is often referred to as, or simply TM.

The meditation practice involves the use of a mantra and is practiced for 15–20 minutes twice per day while sitting with one's eyes closed. It is reported to be one of the most-widely practiced, and among the most widely researched meditation techniques, with over 340 peer-reviewed studies published.: p 14 Beginning in 1965, the Transcendental Meditation technique has been incorporated into certain schools, universities, corporations, and prison programs in the USA, Latin America, Europe, and India. In 1977, a U.S. Ruled that a curriculum in TM and the Science of Creative Intelligence (SCI) being taught in some New Jersey schools was religious in nature and in violation of the. However, the technique has since been included in a number of educational and social programs around the world.

The technique has been described as both religious and non-religious, as an aspect of a, as rooted in,: p 188 and as a non-religious practice for self-development.: p 4 The public presentation of the technique over its 50-year history has been praised for its high visibility in the mass media and effective global propagation, and criticized for using celebrity and scientific endorsements as a marketing tool. Advanced courses supplement the TM technique and include an advanced meditation called the. In 1970 the Science of Creative Intelligence, described as 'modern science with ancient Vedic science', became the theoretical basis for the Transcendental Meditation technique. The Science of Creative Intelligence is a. Contents. Practice The technique is recommended for 20 minutes twice per day.

According to the Maharishi, 'bubbles of thought are produced in a stream one after the other', and the Transcendental Meditation technique consists of experiencing a 'proper thought' in its more subtle states 'until its subtlest state is experienced and transcended'.: pp 46–52 Because it is mantra based, the technique 'ostensibly meets the working definition of a concentration practice'; however, the TM organization says that 'focused attention' is not prescribed, and that the 'aim is an unified and open attentional stance'. Other authors describe the technique as an easy, natural technique or process,: 340–341 and a 'wakeful hypometabolic physiologic state'. Practice of the technique includes a process called 'unstressing' which combines 'effortless relaxation with spontaneous imagery and emotion'. TM teachers caution their students not to be alarmed by random thoughts and to 'attend' to the mantra. Scottish chess grandmaster has said that his TM practice gives 'a feeling of serenity, energy and balance', but does not provide 'any powerful insight into your own mind'.

Laura Tenant, a reporter for, said that her TM experience includes going 'to a place which was neither wakefulness, sleeping or dreaming', and becoming 'detached from my physical self'. Worldwide, four to ten million people are reported to be practitioners. Mantra The TM technique consists of silently repeating a with 'gentle effortlessness' while sitting comfortably with eyes closed and without assuming any special yoga position.

The mantra is said to be a vehicle that allows the individual's attention to travel naturally to a less active, quieter style of mental functioning.: pp 16–20 TM meditators are instructed to keep their mantra secret to ensure maximum results ('speaking it aloud, apparently defeats the purpose'), to avoid confusion in the mind of the meditators, and as a 'protection against inaccurate teaching'. Selection The Maharishi is reported to have standardized and 'mechanized' the mantra selection process by using a specific set of mantras and making the selection process 'foolproof'. Professor of psychiatry, writes that during the training given by a certified TM teacher, 'each student is assigned a specific mantra or sound, with instructions on its proper use'. The Maharishi said that the selection of a proper thought or mantra 'becomes increasingly important when we consider that the power of thought increases when the thought is appreciated in its infant stages of development'.: p 51 He said that mantras chosen for initiates should 'resonate to the pulse of his thought and as it resonates, create an increasingly soothing influence', and that the chosen mantra's vibrations 'harmonize' with the meditator, and suits their 'nature and way of life'. TM students are therefore given a 'specially suited mantra'.: p 188 Author writes that according to the Maharishi, 'using just any mantra can be dangerous'; the mantras for 'householders' and for differ. The Transcendental Meditation mantras are appropriate mantras for householders, while most mantras commonly found in books, such as 'Om', are mantras for recluses and 'can cause a person to withdraw from life'. Former TM teacher and author Lola Williamson reports that she told her TM students that their mantra was chosen for them based on their personal interview, while sociologist, religious scholar and Bainbridge write that the mantras are assigned by age and gender.

In 1984, 16 mantras were published in magazine based on information from 'disaffected TM teachers'. According to Chryssides, TM teachers say that the promised results are dependent on a trained Transcendental Meditation teacher choosing the mantra for their student. Meaning and sound value In his 1963 book The Science of Being and Art of Living, the Maharishi writes that words create waves of vibrations, and the quality of vibration of a mantra should correspond to the vibrational quality of the individual. Likewise, religious studies scholar writes, 'the theory of mantras is the theory of sound'.

Author William Jefferson writes that the ' of mantras are important. Sociologist and others say that the mantra used in the Transcendental Meditation technique 'has no meaning', but that 'the sound itself' is sacred. In, India, in 1955, the Maharishi spoke of mantras in terms of personal deities, and according to religious studies scholar, similar references can be found in his later works.: p 63 According to authors and, the sounds used in the technique are taken from the ancient tradition, have 'no specific meaning',: pp 49–50 and are selected for their suitability for the individual. Nevertheless, the Maharishi mentions that sometimes it is beneficial for the Mantra to be associated with a specific meaning in order to suit one’s own private psychological background. Author Lola Williamson writes that the bija, or seed mantras, used in TM come from the, rather than Vedic tradition, and that bija mantras are 'traditionally associated with particular deities and used as a form of worship'. According to Needleman, many mantras come from the Vedas or Vedic hymns, which are 'the root for all later Hindu scripture', while the 1977 court case Malnak vs. Yogi accepted the TM mantras as meaningless sounds.

Likewise, philosophy of science scholar and former professor Jonathan Shear writes in his book The Experience of Meditation: Experts Introduce the Major Traditions that the mantras used in the TM technique are independent of meaning associated with any, and are used for their mental sound value alone. Fred Travis of the writes in a 2009 article published in the International Journal of Psychophysiology that 'unlike most mantra meditations, any possible meaning of the mantra is not part of Transcendental Meditation practice'.

Course descriptions The Transcendental Meditation technique is taught in a standardized seven-step course over six days by a certified TM teacher.: 148–149: p 134 Except for a requirement to refrain from using non-prescription drugs for 15 days before learning TM, all who want to learn are taught provided they can pay the course fee, which is $960 for adults and $480 for students. The technique is taught via private and group instruction by a TM teacher trained to instruct students and provide follow up. Instruction is given on separate days, beginning with a one-hour 'introductory lecture' intended to prepare the student for subsequent steps. The lecture discusses mind potential, social relationships, health, and 'promoting inner and outer peace'. The second step is a 45 minute 'preparatory lecture', whose topic is the theory of the practice, its origins and its relationship to other types of meditation. This is followed by the third step: a private, ten-minute, personal interview, allowing the TM teacher to get acquainted with the student and answer questions. According to the TM web site, the personal instruction session takes 1–2 hours, and students are required to bring a clean handkerchief, some flowers and fruit, and their course fee.

The initiation begins with a short ceremony performed by the teacher. The stated purpose of the ceremony is to show honor and gratitude to the lineage of TM 'masters', or 'Holy Tradition' that is listed in the Maharishi's translation and commentary of the Bhagavad-Gita. It is regarded as putting students in the right frame of mind to receive the mantra.

The ceremony is conducted in a private room with a 'little' white altar containing incense, camphor, rice, flowers and a picture of Maharishi's teacher, Guru Dev. The initiate observes passively as the teacher recites a text in. After the ceremony, the 'meditators' are 'invited to bow', receive their mantra and begin to meditate. On the day after the personal instruction session, the student begins a series of three 90 to 120 minute 'teaching sessions', held on three consecutive days, called 'three days of checking'. Their stated purpose is to 'verify the correctness of the practice' and to receive further instruction. The first day's checking meeting takes place in a group on the day following personal instruction, and gives information about correct practice based on each student's own experience.

The second day of checking uses the same group format, and gives more details of the mechanics of the practice and potential results of the practice, based on student experiences. The third day of checking focuses on subjective growth and the potential development of higher stages of human consciousness, and outlines the follow-up programs available as part of the course.

New meditators later return for private follow-up sessions to confirm that they are practicing the technique properly, a process called 'personal checking'. The preferred schedule for follow up classes is 30 minutes, once per week for one month, and once per month thereafter. The purpose of the follow-up, or 'checking sessions', is to verify the practice, give an opportunity for one-on-one contact with a TM teacher, and to address any problems or questions. Course graduates may access a lifetime follow-up program which includes consultations, 'refresher courses', advanced lectures and group meditations.

Advanced courses include weekend Residence Courses and the TM-Sidhi program. According to the TM organization, TM course fees cover 'initial training and the lifetime follow-up' program, while helping to 'build and maintain TM centers' and schools in India and around the world.: 9 The fees also reportedly provide TM scholarships for special needs groups, as well as grants and scholarships through TM's Maharishi Foundation, a government approved non-profit, educational organization.: p 9 The fees may 'vary from country to country', depending on the cost of living,: pp 9, 216 and has changed periodically during the 50 year period it has been taught. The Maharishi has drawn criticism from yogis and 'stricter Hindus' who have accused him of selling 'commercial mantras'(citation needed). At the same time, the Maharishi's 'promises of better health, stress relief and spiritual enlightenment' have drawn 'devotees from all over the world', despite the fees. According to The Complete Idiot's Guide to World Religions, by Brandon Toropov and Father Luke Buckles, insistence on fees for TM instruction has caused critics to question the Maharishi's motives; however, 'the movement is not, to all appearances, an exploitive one'.

Residence Course The TM Residence Course is a multi-day, in-residence event that aims to 'enrich a person's experience and understanding' of the Transcendental Meditation technique, and accelerate personal growth. During the course, participants add extra TM sessions to their daily routine and receive information about the 'principles underlying the program' in an effort to deepen the restful and revitalizing aspects of the practice.

The courses may be up to a week in duration and are supervised by TM teachers, who lead the group meditations, give lectures, teach yoga postures called and breathing exercise called. The TM Residence Course utilizes a more intensive meditation process called 'rounding', wherein yoga, a standard TM meditation, and rest, are practiced in sequence. Each sequence takes about 50 minutes and may be repeated several times. Yoga asanas were initially introduced by Maharishi in 1962. 'For good health it is necessary for everyone to do something with the body so that it remain flexible and normal,' Maharishi said. 'The advantage of Yoga asanas over other eastern and western systems of physical posture is that they do not consume energy.

They help restore life force, promote health and maintain normal conditions in the body.' An introductory publication on yoga asanas in cooperation with a professor of yoga was printed at the University of Travancore, India, K.B. Hari Krishna. TM-Sidhi program The TM-Sidhi program is a form of meditation introduced by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in 1975.

It is based on, and described as a natural extension of the Transcendental Meditation technique. The goal of the TM-Sidhi program is to accelerate personal growth and improve mind-body coordination by training the mind to think from what the Maharishi has described as a fourth major state of consciousness called Transcendental Consciousness. Yogic Flying, a mental-physical exercise of hopping while cross-legged, is a central aspect of the TM-Sidhi program. With the introduction of the TM-Sidhi program in 1976 it was postulated that the square root of one percent of the population practicing the TM-Sidhi program, together at the same time and in the same place, would increase 'life-supporting trends'. This was referred to as the 'Extended Maharishi Effect'. These effects have been examined in 14 published studies, including a gathering of over 4,000 people in Washington DC in the summer of 1993. While empirical studies have been published in peer-reviewed academic journals this research remains controversial and has been characterized as by skeptic and others.

Teachers According to in her book, The Healing Potential of Transcendental Meditation, the technique needs to be taught individually by certified TM teachers. She says the Maharishi was aware the technique could be discredited over time if taught incorrectly. The Maharishi began training TM teachers in the early 1960s, and by 1978, there were 7,000 TM teachers in the U.S. In 1985, there were an estimated 10,000 TM teachers worldwide, and by 2003, there were 20,000 teachers, and a reported 40,000 teachers in 2008.

Notable individuals trained to teach the Transcendental Meditation technique include, and. The first teacher training course was held in India with 30 participants in 1967 and 200 participants in 1970. A four-month teacher training course was also held in the USA that year. The first part was four weeks long and was offered in both and with the final three months being held in. About 300 people completed the training. In 1973, the TM teacher training course consisted of three months in-residence. A 2007 TM web page and 2009 book, report that the TM teacher training course in more modern times consists of six-months in-residence, and includes courses in Maharishi Vedic Science, extended meditation practice and becoming the 'custodian' for an 'ancient Vedic tradition'.

Additionally, TM teachers are trained to speak on the Transcendental Meditation program, teach it to others, provide 'personal checking' of their student's meditation, create lectures on related topics, organize and lead advanced TM courses and programs. The Maharishi trained his teachers to 'make logical presentations in language suitable to their audiences', and teachers lead their students through a sequence of predetermined steps. A 2007 research study reported that details of the training and knowledge imparted to teachers are kept private. In 1976, Janis Johnson wrote in that TM teachers sign a 'loyalty-oath employment contract', saying 'It is my fortune, Guru Dev, that I have been accepted to serve the Holy Tradition and spread the Light of God to all those who need it.' Author William Bainbridge writes that a section of a training bulletin for TM teachers called 'Explanations of the Invocation' draws a 'connection to Brahma, the Lord of Creation'. A 1993 article in the reported a partial translation of the puja as 'Whosoever remembers the lotus-eyed Lord gains inner and outer purity. To Lord, to Lotus-born Brahman the creator, to, to, to the emancipator, hailed as, to the Lord I bow down and down again.

At whose door the whole galaxy of gods pray for perfection day and night'. Research. The of this article is. Relevant discussion may be found on the. Please do not remove this message until.

(January 2016) Scientists have been conducting Transcendental Meditation (TM) research since the late 1960s and hundreds of studies have been published.: 14 The Transcendental Meditation technique is a specific form of mantra meditation developed by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and has become one of the most widely researched meditation techniques. TM research has played a role in the history of mind-body medicine and helped create a new field of neuroscience. Early studies examined the physiological parameters of the meditation technique. Subsequent research included clinical applications, cognitive effects, mental health, medical costs, and rehabilitation. Beginning in the 1990s, research focused on cardiovascular disease supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health. Research reviews of the effects of the Transcendental Meditation technique have yielded results ranging from inconclusive to clinically significant. More research is needed to determine the therapeutic effects of meditation practices and sources vary regarding their assessment of the quality of research.

Some cite design limitations and a lack of, while others assert that the quality is improving and that when suitable assessment criteria are applied, scientific evidence supports the therapeutic value of meditation. Reviewers Canter and Ernst assert that some studies have the potential for bias due to the connection of researchers to the TM organization while TM researchers point to their collaboration with independent researchers and universities as signs of objectivity. Institutional programs In schools and universities.

Main article: Transcendental Meditation in education (also known as Consciousness-Based Education) is the application of the Transcendental Meditation technique in an educational setting or institution. These educational programs and institutions have been founded in the USA, United Kingdom, Australia, India, Africa and Japan.

The Transcendental Meditation technique became popular with students in the 1960s and by the early 1970s centers for the Students International Meditation Society were established at a thousand campuses in the USA with similar growth occurring in Germany, Canada and Britain.: p 188 The was established in 1973 in the USA and began offering accredited, degree programs. In 1977 courses in Transcendental Meditation and the Science of Creative Intelligence (SCI) were legally prohibited from New Jersey (USA) public high schools on religious grounds by virtue of the of the. This 'dismantled' the TM program's use of government funding in U.S. Public schools: pp 63–66 'but did not constitute a negative evaluation of the program itself'. Since 1979, schools that incorporate the Transcendental Meditation technique using private, non-governmental funding have been reported in the USA, South America, Southeast Asia, Northern Ireland, South Africa and Israel. A number of educational institutions have been founded by, the and its supporters. These institutions include several schools offering public and private secondary education in the USA , England , Australia, South Africa (Maharishi Invincibility School of Management), and India.

Likewise, Maharishi colleges and universities have been established including (Netherlands), (India), (India), Maharishi Institute (South Africa) and (India). According to an article in, 'critics believe that TM is a repackaged form of Eastern religious philosophy' and opposed its use in public schools while a member of the says practicing Transcendental Meditation in public schools with private funding is constitutional.

Corporate programs Transcendental Meditation has been utilized in corporations, both in the U.S.A and in India, under the auspices of the and the Maharishi Development Corporation. As of 2001, USA companies such as and were subsidizing the TM course fee for their employees. A number of Indian companies provide the TM technique to their managers. These companies include, and. The Sunday Times Herald reports that there are 'more than 100 Japanese companies where TM was introduced at induction.'

Social programs The TM technique has been incorporated in a variety of U.S. Social programs for criminals, the homeless and war veterans. In 1979, the TM technique was offered to inmates at, and the. According to a TM representative, meditation has been included at 'over 25 prisons and correctional institutions' in the U.S. In, 'more than 11,000 prisoners and 900 correctional officers' in 34 prisons received instruction in the Transcendental Meditation technique between 1985 and 1987, and the wardens at 31 prisons signed a proclamation recommending that TM be offered throughout the entire system.: pp 193–195 More recently, the TM technique has been introduced to prisoners in the Oregon Correctional System and a research study is underway to record the effects of the program. Since the late 1980s the TM technique has been offered as part of the programs at Fundacion Hogares Claret sanctuary for homeless and orphaned children in, Colombia. In 1996, several judges of the 22nd Judicial Circuit of, began 'ordering convicted felons' to attend the Transcendental Meditation course as one of their conditions for parole.

The program was administered by the non-profit, Enlightened Sentencing Project and received endorsements from, and other members of the Missouri District, Federal, and Supreme Courts. In 2010, the of New York City began offering the TM technique to its residents, and homeless men were given instruction in the TM technique through an organization called Ready, Willing and Able.

In 2010, the Superintendent of Prisons announced that the TM technique was being offered to inmates at the State Prison. In 2011, the technique was taught to about 65 individuals at the shelter for teen prostitutes in Los Angeles. Psychiatry professor Norman E. Rosenthal says that TM is compatible with most 'drug treatment approaches' and could be incorporated 'into an overall treatment program'.: p 171 Military The TM technique was first employed by the military in 1985, when the US Armed Forces conducted 'a small pilot study' on Vietnam veterans. The Transcendental Meditation technique was taught to military personnel with (PTSD) as part of two research studies conducted at the and in 2010. In 2012, the Department of Veterans Affairs announced that it was 'studying the use of transcendental meditation to help returning veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars' and the Department of Defense funded a $2.4 million grant to Maharishi University of Management Research Institute and the San Diego Veterans Administration Medical Center to further investigate the potential effect of the TM technique on PTSD.

Other initiatives to teach the TM technique to war veterans at risk for PTSD, were underway as of 2010. The technique has been taught to students at, a private military academy, as 'part of a long-term study' on meditation and military performance. Theoretical concepts Views on consciousness (1963) In his 1963 book, The Science Of Being and Art Of Living, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi says that, over time, through the practice of the TM technique, the conscious mind gains familiarity with deeper levels of the mind, bringing the subconscious mind within the capacity of the conscious mind, resulting in expanded awareness in daily activity. He also teaches that the Transcendental Meditation practitioner transcends all mental activity and experiences the 'source of thought', which is said to be pure silence, 'pure awareness' or 'transcendental Being', 'the ultimate reality of life'.: pp 44–53 TM is sometimes self described as a technology of consciousness.

Pathologist Vimal Patel, says TM has been shown to produce states that are physiologically different from waking, dreaming and sleeping. According to author Michael Phelan 'The fundamental premise of the psychology of fulfillment is that within every person exists a seemingly inexhaustible center of energy, intelligence, and satisfaction. To the extent that our behavior depends on the degree of energy and intelligence available to us, this center of pure creative intelligence may be described as that resource which gives direction to all that we experience, think and do.' According to the Maharishi, there are seven levels of consciousness: (i) waking; (ii) dreaming; (iii) deep sleep; (iv) transcendental consciousness; (v) cosmic consciousness; (vi) God consciousness; and, (vii) unity consciousness. The Maharishi says that transcendental consciousness can be experienced through Transcendental Meditation, and that those who meditate diligently could become aware of cosmic consciousness. An indication of cosmic consciousness is 'ever present wakefulness' that is present even during sleep. Research on long-term TM practitioners experiencing what they describe as cosmic consciousness, has identified unique EEG profiles, muscle tone measurements, and REM indicators that suggest physiological parameters for this self described state of consciousness.

However, the Cambridge Handbook of Consciousness notes that it is premature to say that the EEG coherence found in TM is an indication of a higher state of consciousness. TM and altered states of consciousness Transcendental Meditation is linked with changes in the states of consciousness of the practitioners. For centuries, mystics and practitioners of meditation have held that people may attain ‘higher’ states of consciousness through meditation techniques. Transcendental Meditation is sometimes associated with what is called ‘a fourth state of consciousness’, which is gained through the practice of meditation, and is therefore termed‘higher’ and more valuable because repeated experiences presumably enable a person with increased energy, intelligence and satisfaction Studies involving the link between transcendental meditation and altered states of consciousness have existed since the beginning of the practice itself. Many early studies have reported brain wave patterns not seen in other states of consciousness. One, for instance, studied four Indian meditators who showed prominent alpha-wave activity in their normal resting periods, and a marked increase in the amplitude of their alpha waves during meditation. In addition, the Japanese neuropsychiatrists Kasamatsu and Hirrai reported the appearance of waves other than alpha in zen meditators within fifty seconds after the beginning of the meditation period.

Bloomfield (1975) links the continuous practice of TM with a ‘fourth state of consciousness’ which is different from the waking, sleeping, and dreaming states of consciousness. He claims that the psychophysiological state gained during the practice of TM is so unique that it qualified as a fourth major state of consciousness. He noted that the state had characteristic brain waves, level of Oxygen consumption and blood chemistry, suggesting that this state is distinctly different from waking, dreaming, and sleeping, as well as altered states such as hypnosis or autosuggestion. Science of Creative Intelligence (1971) In 1961, the Maharishi created the 'International Meditation Society for the Science of Creative Intelligence'. In 1971 the Maharishi inaugurated 'Maharishi's Year of Science of Creative Intelligence' and described SCI as the connection of 'modern science with ancient Vedic science'. Author Philip Goldberg describes it as Vedanta philosophy that has been translated into scientific language. A series of international symposiums on the Science of Creative Intelligence were held between 1970 and 1973 and were attended by scientists and 'leading thinkers', including, a winner in chemistry, and.

These symposiums were held at universities such as and. The following year, the Maharishi developed a World Plan to spread his teaching of SCI around the world. The theoretical part of SCI is taught in a 33-lesson video course. In the early 1970s the SCI course was offered at more than 25 American universities including, Yale, the University of Colorado, the University of Wisconsin, and Oregon State University.: p 125 Until 2009, (MUM) required its undergraduate students to take SCI classes, and both MUM and (MERU) in Switzerland have awarded degrees in the field. Reports that children at learn SCI principles such as 'the nature of life is to grow' and 'order is present everywhere'. SCI is reported to be part of the curriculum of TM related lower schools in Iowa, and, UK. In 1975 SCI was used as the call letters for a TM owned television station in.

The Science of Creative Intelligence is not science. Theologian, writing in the Creation/Evolution Journal (the journal of the ), compares the Science of Creative Intelligence to. Price says instruction in the Transcendental Meditation technique is 'never offered without indoctrination into the metaphysics of 'creative intelligence'. Skeptic says SCI has 'no scientific characteristics.' And skeptic writes that the 'Hindu doctrine' of TM is a., a professor of religious studies, describes the TM teachings as 'pseudoscientific language that masks its religious nature by mythologizing science'. Sociologists and describe the SCI videotapes as largely based on the, and say that they are 'laced with parables and metaphysical postulates, rather than anything that can be recognized as conventional science'.

In 1979, the court case Malnak v Yogi determined that although SCI/TM is not a theistic religion, it deals with issues of ultimate concern, truth, and other ideas analogous to those in well-recognized religions. Maharishi biographer Paul Mason suggests that the scientific terminology used in SCI was developed by the Maharishi as part of a restructuring of his philosophies in terms that would gain greater acceptance and increase the number of people starting the TM technique.

He says that this change toward a more academic language was welcomed by many of the Maharishi's American students. Maharishi effect (1974) Maharishi Mahesh Yogi postulated that the quality of life would noticeably improve if one percent of the population practiced the Transcendental Meditation technique. This is known as the 'Maharishi effect' and according to the Maharishi, it was perceived in 1974 after an analysis of crime statistics in 16 cities.: 329 Author Ted Karam claims that there have been numerous studies on the Maharishi effect including a gathering of over 4,000 people in Washington, D.C. In the summer of 1993.

With the introduction of the including Yogic Flying, the Maharishi proposed that the square root of 1 percent of the population practicing this advanced program together at the same time and in the same place would create benefits in society. This was referred to as the 'Extended Maharishi Effect'. The TM organization has linked the fall of the and a reduction in global terrorism, US inflation and crime rates to the Maharishi effect. The Maharishi effect has been endorsed by the former President of Mozambique, and examined in 42 scientific studies. Critics, such as have called this research.

Randi says that he investigated comments made by former Maharishi International University faculty member Robert Rabinoff in 1978. He spoke to the Chief of Police who reportedly said local crime levels were the same and the regional Agriculture Department who reportedly deemed that farm yields for matched the state average. Maharishi Vedic Science (1981) The Maharishi proclaimed 1981 as the Year of Vedic Science.: 336 Maharishi Vedic Science (MVS) is defined by author Patrick Williams as 'a practical, workable Vedic science that is integrated with modern science' and a 'scientific approach to human development based on complete knowledge and systematic techniques'. It is based on the Maharishi's interpretation of ancient Vedic texts and includes subjective technologies like the Transcendental Meditation technique and the TM-Sidhi program plus programs like Maharishi Sthapatya Veda (MSV) and Maharishi Vedic Astrology (MVA) services which apply Vedic science to day-to-day living.

Vedic science studies the various aspects of life and their relationship to the Veda. Characterizations Characterizations of the TM technique vary amongst scholars, clergy, notable practitioners and governments. According to the Maharishi his technique requires no preparation, is simple to do, and can be learned by anyone. The technique is described as effortless and without or concentration: pp 40–42 Author Peter Russell says trying to control the mind is like trying to go to sleep at night, it won't work. He says instead, the TM technique utilizes the tendency of the mind to move towards greater satisfaction.

According to TM advocates, the technique is 'purely a mechanical, physiological process', the 'two-minute ceremony' invokes no deities, the mantras are 'sounds without meaning' and the technique 'pre-dates Hinduism by 5,000 years'., author of the book Seven States of Consciousness, writes that TM requires no 'special circumstances or preparations' and does 'not depend upon belief'. A 2011 article in characterizes the TM technique as a 'Hindu meditation practice 'stripped' of its religious baggage' offered 'as a systematic, stress-reducing, creativity-building technique'., a mathematician, has referred to TM as 'the Hindu cult'. According to author R.S. Bajpai, the Maharishi 'secularized the TM sic by purging it of all the religious rites and rituals and spiritual mysticism'. Religious leaders Some religious leaders and clergy find TM to be compatible with their religious teachings and beliefs, while others do not., a Catholic monk, wrote in his The Mystic Heart: Discovering a Universal Spirituality in the World's Religions, that TM 'is what is called an open or receptive method' that can be described as giving up control and remaining open in an inner sense. In 1968, the, 'came to the support of Maharishi's theory'. Wrote in 1976 that a Jewish Revivalist had called TM 'an insidious form of worship' while in, Massachusetts, had found it useful.

In 1984, Cardinal, the, wrote a pastoral statement after, then president of the Philippines, invited more than 1,000 members of the TM movement to, saying that neither the doctrine nor the practice of TM is acceptable to Christians. In 2003, the published a warning against mixing eastern meditations, such as TM, with, though a 2013 statement suggests that eastern meditations can be useful. Clergy who practice the TM technique and find it compatible with their religious beliefs include: Catholic priest; Orthodox rabbi; Irish Jesuit William Johnston;, a Presbyterian minister;, the emeritus rabbi of;, a Jesuit priest who teaches at the;: pp 182–185, a Catholic priest; and, a United Church minister. Notable laypersons Notable laypersons who have practiced the TM technique include, who was raised a Presbyterian, and who says he found 'there were no religious aspects', comedian, political commentator and Roman Catholic, who has been practicing the TM technique for 40 years, and winning music critic. Once asked if TM could substitute for religion, musician replied that 'It's not a substitute for religion. It is a religion.'

According to, 'You can make it with meditation if you're a Christian, a Mohammedan or a Jew. You just add meditation to whatever religion you've got.' Scholars The Transcendental Meditation technique has been variously described by sociologists and religious scholars as religious and non-religious. According to sociologist, author of the book Alternative Religions: A Sociological Introduction, the TM technique describes itself as a 'technology of consciousness' and has the goal of developing the full potential of the person, including spiritual and psychological progress, while fulfilling some of the self-improvement goals of many religious and semi-religious organizations. Its adherents says it is a non-religious, 'scientific strategy', yet it appears to have 'spiritual elements' such as the puja ceremony performed during the TM instruction.

Religious studies scholar writes that, 'TM practitioners describe TM as a science rather than a religious discipline', but its 'meditation principles were clearly derived from Hindu practice'. In the book Cults and New Religious Movements, author characterizes Transcendental Meditation as a 'world affirming new religion' that 'lacks most of the features traditionally associated with religion'. Authors Liebler and Moss write that 'unlike some forms of meditation, the TM technique does not require adherence to any belief system'. Religious studies scholars Michael Phelan, and Tamar Gablinger say that TM participants 'may meditate for relaxation, but otherwise have no contact with TM', and that TM 'attracts a large number of people with low levels of commitment around a much smaller group of highly committed followers.' Moreover, Phelan writes that TM is 'being opposed by many religious groups who believe that it is a religious practice', and that 'the TM objectives and methods are congruous with the criteria of revitalization movements as defined. Whose goal is to create a better culture.'

Religion scholar Charles H. Lippy writes that earlier spiritual interest in the technique faded in the 1970s, and 'it became a practical technique. That anyone could employ without abandoning their religious identification.' On the other hand, finds TM to be a '.

The Tm Technique By Peter Russell Pdf Creator

Highly simplified form of Hinduism, adapted for Westerners who did not possess the cultural background to accept the full panoply of Hindu beliefs, symbols, and practices', and describes the Transcendental Meditation ceremony as '. In essence, a religious initiation ceremony'. Maximos of Pittsburgh of the describes TM as 'a new version of Hindu Yoga' based on 'pagan pseudo-worship and deification of a common mortal, Guru Dev'. In the book Cults and New Religions, and Bromley write that TM is presented to the public as a meditation practice that has been validated by science, but is not a religious practice nor is it affiliated with a religious tradition.

They say that 'although there are some dedicated followers of TM who devote most or all of their time to furthering the practice of Transcendental Meditation in late modern society, the vast majority of those who practice do so on their own, often as part of what has been loosely described as the New Age Movement.' They say that most scholars view Transcendental Meditation as having elements of both therapy and religion, but that 'Transcendental Meditation has no designated scripture, no set of doctrinal requirements, no ongoing worship activity, and no discernible community of believers.' They also say that Maharishi did not claim to have special divine revelation or supernatural personal qualities.

And Margaret Z. Wilkins write in A reader in new religious movements that TM and other new religious movements have been criticized for 'surreptitiously smuggling in forms of Eastern religion under the guise of some seemingly innocuous technique of self improvement or health promotion'. Chryssides went on to say in Exploring new religions that although one can identify the Maharishi's Hindu background, Hindu lineage, mantras and initiation ceremony, TM is unlike religion in its 'key elements': 'there is no public worship, no code of ethics, no scriptures to be studied, and no rites of passage that are observed, such as dietary laws, giving to the poor, or pilgrimages.' Psychiatry professor, author of, wrote that 'Maharishi extracted the TM technique from its religious context and distilled it to its essence, which he believed could be of value to people of all creeds.' : p 4 Government The characterizations and responses to the TM technique by governmental agencies have varied depending on the time period, the specific agency and its country of origin.

In 1968, the Maharishi conducted a one-hour meeting with. In the 1970s, courses in the TM technique were conducted at 47 military installations around the world (including eight in the U.S.), with 150 enrolling in the course at the military academy. The TM technique was also taught at five U.S. Federal prisons, and three in Germany and Canada. During this period, ten U.S. Senators and more than 100 Congressional staff members learned the technique. In 1972, the Maharishi met with the Governor of Illinois and received a standing ovation when he addressed the state legislature before they passed a resolution characterizing Maharishi's Science of Creative Intelligence as useful for Illinois public schools.

In 1974, Transcendental Meditation was cited in two Congressional records regarding the Science of Creative Intelligence course being offered at 30 American universities and the TM technique being 'in use' in some American prisons, mental institutions and drug rehabilitation centers. In 1975, TM's founder met with Canadian Prime Minister to discuss 'the possibility of structuring an ideal society' through Transcendental Meditation, In 1977 a New Jersey, U.S. District court held that a curriculum comprising the Science of Creative Intelligence and TM was religious in nature ( Malnak v Yogi).

The decision was appealed and in 1979 the 3rd Circuit opinion affirmed the decision and held that although SCI/TM is not a theistic religion, it deals with issues of ultimate concern, truth, and other ideas analogous to those of well-recognized religions and it therefore violated the. Beginning in 1979 the German government released a number of booklets about problems arising for seven new religious movements in Germany, with the German term for these organizations variously translated as 'psychogroups' and 'psychotheraphy groups'. These organizations, including TM, filed lawsuits trying to block the reports. The courts ruled that the booklets must only include factual information and exclude speculation, rumors, and matters that are unclear, and the booklets were re-released primarily containing quotations from materials of the organizations themselves.

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In 1996 a commission appointed by the German government concluded that new religious movements and 'psychotherapy groups' did not present any danger to the state or to society. In 1987, an Israeli government report that was criticized as 'one sided and negative', defined TM as a 'cult group. Targeted by anti-cult activists'. The 1995 report of the included Transcendental Meditation in its list of cults. Government has characterized the Transcendental Meditation technique as worthy of research and has awarded more than $25 million in funding from different branches of the for scientific analysis of the effects of TM on high blood pressure. Sees it as a potential tool for the treatment of (PTSD) in veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, and commenced research on the technique (and two other meditation systems) in 2012. According to author Patrick Gresham Williams, 'the government will pay' for any U.S.

Veteran to learn TM if it is prescribed by a Veterans Administration medical doctor. References.