Triumph Of Truth Rajiv Gandhi Assassination Pdf

2020. 3. 1. 18:23카테고리 없음

'To us, all men our kin.Life's good comes not fromothers' gift, nor illMan's pains and pains' relief are from within.Thus have we seen!' -, circa 500 B.C Rajiv GandhiAssassination - the Verdict CONTENTSOF THIS SECTION19/09/091 July 2006நெற்றிக்கண் திறப்பினும் குற்றம் குற்றமே.

'.the Indian Army came here,. The acronym IPKF will always stand forIndian People Killing Force where we are concerned.We will one day erecta memorial in the heart of Jaffna town, in the centre of Hospital Road,in memory of all the innocent civilians – ranging in age from the veryold past 80 to young children massacred by the IPKF and to the women whowere raped.' ,1998/99'.Amnesty International is concerned that 26 people sentencedto death by a special court in the southern Indian state ofTamil Nadu on 28 January 1998 may not have received a fairtrial according to international standards for fair trial.Twenty-four men and women - 15 Sri Lankan and nine Indiannationals - were found guilty of conspiracy to murder the formerPrime Minister of India, Rajiv Gandhi.Mr Gandhi was killedby a bomb explosion in Tamil Nadu in May 1991. The legislation under whichthey were tried - the Terrorist and Disruptive Activities(Prevention) Act (TADA) - contravenes several internationalstandards for fair trial, including the holding of trials incamera and the non-disclosure of the identity of witnesses.

In addition, although the majority of thoseaccused were arrested in July 1991, and a preliminary trial didnot begin until May 1993. The trial itself took place inJanuary 1994 in the Poonamallee jail in Madras, designated aspecial court under TADA, where many of those sentenced had beendetained for almost seven years since arrest.' , 1999'Gandhiji had opposed the Rowlatt Act as draconian, and anti-people.


``How can one support a trial which followed the sameroute under a black law or the sentence given under such a law.Curiously, the Supreme Court had stated that TADA Act would nothold good in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination case, but it hadupheld the death penalty for four prisoners. No one knew whathappened in the trial proceedings.' - Nadesan Satyendra, 1992 'The assassination of ex PrimeMinister Rajiv Gandhi was wrong because it was wrong to punishwithout charge and without trial according to law. But, if thatwas wrong, then, as we have said before, and we say again, theChengalpattu trial (of those accused of Rajiv Gandhi'sassassination) is worse because the Indian Governmentseeks to give the appearance of punishing through a ‘trial’which, in truth, is no trial at all.' At Bay Area Tamil MandramMeeting, 9 May 2004 together with, President,Bay Area Tamil Mandram. RajeevSharma -'Rajiv Gandhi's assassination remains the most mysteriouspolitical murder in the history of independent India.

TruthTriumph Of Truth Rajiv Gandhi Assassination Pdf

Was it thehandiwork of a group of fall guys who executed the conspiracywithout knowing who their general was? It seems to be the case.It is not just the LTTE which did it. Of course, the LTTE wasinvolved.

Sanjay Gandhi Assassination

But there were forces beyond the tigers.A jet-settingtantrik, a clique of unscrupulous politicians hand in glove withinternational arm dealers and terrorists, obliging foreignsecret agencies and above all an overly ambitious late SriLankan president R Premadasa-these could have an importantbearing on Rajiv's slaying.' Beyond the Tigers' seeks to probethese questions and makes out a strong case for the governmentto order fresh police investigations into the dark areas ofRajiv's assassination.It should not matter which political partyRajiv Gandhi belonged to. It is the question of salvaging theIndian honour which has been mauled by foreign forces on Indiansoil', 2004,1997 '.More than the money, Bofors is the story ofbetrayal of faith by a Prime Minister who said he would makeIndia a prosperous and self-respecting country.

What does thecase say about the international arms trade? The internationalarms bazaar is an a-moral world frequented not just by armsdealers but also by politicians and bureaucrats who in somecases depend on these salesmen of death for their politicalsurvival.' 1992'A SIT official was reported as saying in late August that 'inthe court of world opinion, the LTTE stands convicted'. Notnecessarily so.